PIF Innovation Fellows – Pakistan Innovation Foundation //

Pakistan Innovation Foundation seeks to create a community of innovators – PIF Innovation Fellows – to promote the cause of innovation in Pakistan. The PIF fellowssupport each other, the young emerging innovators, and the overall cause of Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Pakistan. PIF will recognise a small number of individuals – no more than 15-20  –  each year.

PIF Innovation Fellows will be people who have demonstrated the ability to innovate. While most of the Fellows would have done it to a distinguished level, some may be elected for the unrealised potential they may have demonstrated. Each year, existing Fellows shall vote to elect new fellows.

Each PIF Fellow shall:

– Subscribe to the overall goals and aspirations of Pakistan Innovation Foundation and shall work with PIF towards the achievement of the same;

– Contribute towards PIF’s objectives by mentoring young innovators during the National Innovation Grand Challenge and other PIF activities;

– Participate, when possible, in PIF’s activities such as awareness-building, implementation, and dissemination activities;

– Support other PIF Innovation Fellows in their innovation journeys and in helping them achieve their goals;

– Conceive, with the help of other Fellows, and Executive Team, innovation initiatives and participate, where possible, in their execution;

– Be champions and advocates of innovation across the government, academia, private sector, and the society at large.

PIF Innovation Fellows, collectively, constitutes the Council of Fellows, that will guide and advise the Chief Executive on substantive matters of strategy and implementation.